Home automation is a gift of modern technology. Here are some techniques that help to build connectivity for home electronic systems.
Although they are slow, international standards have largely contributed to the idea of trade among home automation developers around the world. Its application models and specifications promote interoperability of all electronic products in the home. This is all worth considering to focus on the latest protocols.
The reports were written to guide energy corporations towards the development of new consumer services that would use networks for home automation. This has led to the development and growth of international standards for home automation networks known as HES (Home Electronic System). Recently this material has been updated and reflects the progressive results of the work.
The primary task of HES is to identify software and hardware to enable manufacturers to offer a single version of the product that will work for a fairly wide range of home automation networks.
Several HES components are necessary to achieve this goal. These are the following
Universal interface
Usually known as the UI, the module of this interface is integrated between devices in order to enable their communication through different home automation networks. It meets the basic objectives of HES, i.e. to establish communication between devices in any home automation network. It is built into devices with a standard plug for data transmission. A standard language application is then developed for all messages and commands for devices.
It is each point of connection to the network from NAU, which means the Network Access Unit. This transforms messages and signals from devices into a specific home automation communication protocol. HES identifies the communication protocol between NAU and UI.
Command language
This refers to the language used by devices to communicate with each other independently of their network in which messages are transmitted. The HES language supports these commands on networks. However, the connection between NAU-IU devices and network media does not optimize the operating system of home automation systems, but only reduces costs when they are sold in the large market.
It is a residential gateway link that controls the network in the home and the external networks offered by service providers. Its primary function is the translation of protocols in a WAN or WAN and WAN as well as a local network or LAN. Its characteristic feature is a firewall that limits messages that can flow inside and outside the house.
Other features of HES are as follows:
HES working groups are licensed to test network applications for control, communication, and command in mixed-use and commercial buildings. Both office dwellings and retail stores fall into the category of mixed-use buildings.
The designers of subsystems and devices are the decision-makers of the variables and functions that would be available from other gadgets in the home automation network. The engineering language explains that these are options that define control and observability. The point is that there must be a certain level of consistency in such decisions so that the devices can work together successfully. This application model explains that the engineering aspects of a device that can be written, read or performed over a network. It is an important model that is used to transmit information to manufacturers of devices that would be connected to a network for home automation purposes.
The main protocols never include in their specifications the complete application of subsystem models. Only by checking the objects that make up the application can a model be requested. This choice of variables, methods, and objects is modeled on how the communication interface designer understands the device. This information must be fully described in this application model. Otherwise, manufacturers may misinterpret the operating details of the device because they do not have the personnel or network experts familiar with the communication models.
The countries that are considered the main members have now approved HES models for publication, including safety, energy management, and control system. The HES working group is examining functional safety issues. Therefore, the International Electrotechnical Commission or the IEC Safety Advisory Committee has asked this working group to develop guidelines for the safety of home automation networks. These safety messages are considered to be critical.